A Day At The Zoo Photos

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I’ve created a gallery for the zoo photos that were my inspiration for my new coloring book that is coming out soon. I hope it will be a useful resource for artists trying to choose which colors they want to use in coloring the hand drawn designs on my posters and in the new book!

As of this post, there are thirty-three images in the gallery. I may add some more later.

Yellow bird, name unknown

(This bird)

Do you see the yellow bird with the black head? That’s my mystery photo!

I mislaid the information on this bird–if I ever had it–and my efforts to research have come up with nothing. If you should happen to visit the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha where that photo was taken, and discover the bird’s genus and species, and anything else about it that you would be happy to share, I would very much like to know! I don’t have time to get over to the zoo right now.

In thanks, I will credit you with the information in the final published book, and send you a special hand drawn coloring page to download.

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